The trumpet is a popular musical instrument for people who love classical and jazz genres of music. The use of the instrument dates back as far as the 15nth century. Over time the instrument has undergone various modifications to enhance the quality of sound you get from the device. How to play the trumpet is a skill and it requires time and practice.

How does one blow air into a trumpet

The sound you get from a trumpet depends on how you blow air into the device. According to experts, to get the best sound, one needs to bend the upper lip a bit before you finally let out the air and blow it into the trumpet. To achieve high notes, one needs to bend their tongue upwards while blowing. For low notes, one has to lower the jaw while blowing.

Getting the right tune

The trumpet relies on a series of valves to regulate the air flow achieving a specific tone. Some notes are achieved by pressing the valve while others do not require one to press the valve. Notes that can be achieved without pressing a valve include H sharp, C . G high, Higher D, F flat just to mention but a few.

Notes that require one to press the first valves include A sharp, B, F , High Ds and E sharp. By pressing the second valve you get H, C flat, F sharp, E flat, Higher C and D sharp and higher D flat. Pressing the third valve gives you A, E, F flat Higher C sharp and Higher D flat. One can also achieve notes by pressing the first and second valve together or the second and third valve.

How moist your lips should be when playing the trumpet

Whether you have wet or dry lips, playing the trumpet will not prove to be a challenge. Dry lips have the advantage of not sticking to the mouthpiece. Wet lips will, however, make it easy for someone to adjust the mouthpiece.

Breathing techniques when blowing air into a trumpet

To avoid getting short of breath, one should always take deep breaths before blowing air into a trumpet. It is advisable to avoid lifting the shoulders when inhaling. While playing, one should also avoid holding any air in but instead inhale with the tempo.

The right posture

While playing the trumpet, the arms should always be positioned away from the body. It is crucial that the bell should never point towards the ground. The right posture can only be achieved if one is relaxed. Before playing, one should always be in a comfortable position and have a firm grip of the trumpet.

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