Celebration and drinks go hand in hand for most men. But that doesn’t mean going overboard or drinking more than you could possibly handle. Ultimately, you do not want to wake up the next day with a massive headache and bloodshot eyes. And a hangover becomes an even bigger problem if you have to go to work the same day. If you went a bit too far with your drinks and now have an annoying hangover to deal with, the following hangover prevention drinks shall come to your rescue.

Coconut Water

If you were drunk last night, the first thing you must have in the morning is some coconut water, even before you drink some regular water. Coconut water is electrolytes-rich, with a serving offering close to 570mg of potassium. This makes the drink extremely hydrating. Moreover, coconut water has a flavor to it, which regular water does not have.

Tomato Juice

Tomato juice offers a quick reboot. It helps your body assimilate alcohol a lot more efficiently and quickly. According to studies, tomato juice could boost liver function, helping speed up alcohol processing. Other research studies indicate vitamins and antioxidants found in tomatoes can quickly replenish the energy and nutrients lost to multiple sessions of drinking. As a result, you feel better a lot quicker.

Lemon Water

Lemon water lends to the detoxification process by stimulating liver function. Lemons comprise more than 100 percent of your routine recommended amounts of vitamin C. The vitamin and other nutrients found in lemon also support detoxification by assuaging liver inflammation.


Coffee is a more natural hangover choice for many people. But many people have been consuming the beverage without actually knowing how it battles hangover. Apparently, caffeine enlarges your blood vessels, helping you address your headache issues a lot more effectively. Moreover, caffeine boosts cerebral functions, which could probably be foggy after the body’s tryst with alcohol the previous night.

If you’re taking coffee, use it in its purest form. Do not mix the brew with anything else. If you do not fancy or cannot ingest black coffee, you may use some sweeteners, but add them marginally. Milk would be ideal.

Green Tea

Green tea offers multiple health benefits, and it also helps with hangover. In case you weren’t aware, green tea is loaded with antioxidants that help keep your body’s organs and cells healthy. This also means a healthy liver. A good liver makes it easier to recover from a hangover quickly. In case you are also feeling nauseous, add some lavender or rosemary to the tea; they should help calm your gut faster.

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