Fertility tourism, also known as reproductive tourism is whereby individuals or couples travel abroad to seek fertility services such as chromosome transfer and intro vitro fertilization (IVF). Although infertility is a global problem affecting a majority of couples, most of the countries lack the state-of-art reproduction services and not forgetting that the services are costly in some states. This has seen the rise of fertility tourism in Geelong over the past few years as couples seek better and affordable services in Geelong. It’s no secret that the reproductive tourism industry is a multi-billion industry, and its growth is unstoppable.

So, why are people tirelessly seeking for natural fertility Geelong services? Here are the reasons.

High-Quality Services

It’s quite unfortunate that several countries lack the resources and technology to offer quality fertility services in local, public hospitals. Moreover, the few available fertility clinics in the country may lack the necessary human and capital resources to address the whole issue of fertility. Hence, couples resort to traveling to Geelong where the services are not only readily available but also of high quality.


The cost of intro-vitro fertilization and chromosome transfer is another factor contributing to fertility tourism. Although the services may be available in your home country, you may not be in a position to pay the exorbitant fees. This necessitates the need for traveling abroad where you can access the services at more affordable rates. For instance, the cost of IVF with one cycle of egg donation the US ranges from $25000-$40000 whereas the same treatment in Czech Republic costs about $7000 with an addition of travel costs amounting to about $1000.

Stigma And Cultural Factors

Undoubtedly, infertility comes with other burdens, including psychological, sociological, and emotional problems. The lack of support for infertile couples by their relatives and friends besides being looked down upon by people who know about their issue are leading causes of sociological and psychological burdens. Cultural limitations and perceptions can also deter your efforts of seeking surrogacy services in your home country. Hence, it becomes necessary for you to travel internationally to find reproductive care in more-accommodating places.

Unfavorable Local Regulations

Although there is a need for government agencies to regulate health care in their corresponding countries, some local laws may prevent particular individuals from fully accessing fertility care. Some rules stipulate on who can access reproductive care, the extent of services as well as the age of the patients. This can go as far as restricting individuals with unconventional sexual orientations from accessing fertility services. The restrictions propagate people to travel to some foreign countries where such laws don’t exist.

There are several reasons why you might consider traveling abroad for the sole purpose of accessing natural fertility Geelong services. You will find that some nations have more affordable, high-quality fertility care that is regulated by more favorable laws. These are some of the reasons why natural fertility tourism Geelong is growing immensely.

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