Need A Rescue Solution At The Workplace? Things To Know About Davit Arm System
Sometimes in the construction and mining sector, workers get trapped in confined spaces. It becomes harder for them to get out and for other people to access the spaces and rescue them. In other times, people get trapped in the sea and they also face the same rescue challenges as the manual workers. Luckily, there are rescue machines that you can use and one of them happens to be a davit arm system. This system can access vertical and horizontal confined spaces to facilitate rescue operations.
To help you understand a few aspects about this versatile system, here are four things to know about the davit arm system:
It’s a Crane-like System
The easiest way to understand a davit arm rescue system is to liken it to a crane. Yes, the system operates more or less like a crane. It lifts and lowers people and heavy objects from one point to another. In addition, it allows side access to confined spaces.
Consist of Two Main Parts
Essentially, a davit arm system comprises two major parts. The first part is the portable arm which is the visual part that you use to access confined areas. The second part is the metal plate and it’s where the portable arm is attached.
System Type Depends on Application
Davit system can provide a wide range of rescue operations ranging from retrieving workers trapped in corners to lift people and objects from the sea. However, the system that is meant for the mining or construction sector is different from that meant for sea rescue operations. In the former case, you need a permanent davit system since such operations are job site-based. As for the latter case, a portable davit system will work since such operations can take place anywhere in the sea.
Has Some Restrictions
The biggest setback of a davit arm rescue system is that it does not allow traversing. This is because the machine is manually operated. What this means is that it’s not ideal for tall buildings. Likewise, it’s not suitable for building with an inclined or curvy roof. It’s suitable for roofs with straight facades.
There’s no doubt that the construction, mining, and marine sector requires the help of davit arm systems. If not to provide rescue solutions, the system can also assist workers to access confined areas within their workplaces so as to work much easier. Hopefully, if you are hearing about Davit system for the first system, the above highlighted pointers have shed more light into what to expect from the system.