What Is LAP Band Weight Loss Surgery?
Basically, weight loss is a matter of math; burning more calories than one takes in is what sheds the excess pounds. Sometimes, however, there’s a glitch in this equation, especially when it applies to individuals who are seriously obese. A number of surgical procedures have been shown to be very effective at helping such people achieve significant and sustained weight loss. Also known as gastric banding, lap-band surgery is one of the procedures used for morbidly obese cases.
What is LAP Band Surgery?
Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is a surgical procedure which involves the placement of an adjustable silicon belt around the upper section of the stomach. The band is usually connected to a port located underneath the skin. This port is used to add and extract saline into and from the band, for purposes of tightening or relaxing the belt.
This procedure ultimately restricts the size of the stomach to regulate the amount of food it can hold. It also helps slow the progression of food into the intestines. This way, the gut sends signals indicating a sensation of fullness and satiety to the brain, resulting in the consumption of less food. The signals are usually sent from a small pouch created in the upper stomach by the belt.
How Does it Differ From Gastric Bypass?
The Lap-band procedure doesn’t involve any cutting or stapling of the stomach. Furthermore, no intestinal bypass is done. This means that the amount of nutrients and calories absorbed in the intestine remains the same. The tightness of the belt can be adjusted to suit different circumstances, and it could even be removed when necessary. Typically, the band is usually adjusted several times in the first 6 months to enhance maximum weight loss.
Gastric bypass surgery is a long, complicated procedure that requires hospitalization for a significant period. By contrast, the Lap-band procedure takes about an hour in the operating room, and usually one night in the hospital. Only in cases where the operation cannot be done laparoscopically is the stay extended.
Compared to other forms of weight loss surgery, the lap band procedure carries significantly fewer risks. So far, no fatalities have been recorded with the procedure. Lap band patients don’t experience the dumping syndrome associated with consumption of sugary foods and beverages.
Lap band surgery could help individuals lose anywhere from a third to a half of their weight. Still, one needs to make other lifestyle changes such as consistent exercise and proper nutrition if they are to attain worthwhile results. It’s also important to note that this surgical procedure doesn’t solve the day to day challenges of obese living.