Key Elements On Slow Sustainable Fashion
To ensure sustainability, people now tend to go a step ahead in matters to do with clothing. They focus on locally available resources, originality and longevity of the garments they manufacture. Therefore, they need to observe the following key elements of Slow Sustainable Fashion.
The quality is vital
To ensure that the clothes provided last long in the market before another brand is produced, designers need to adhere to the quality. High quality garments are durable, thus attract a majority of customers. In this case, the fabrics to be used should be considered.
Price matters
Since the ultimate goal is to produce long lasting attires and of high quality, the cost has to be high compared to those of fast fashion. To obtain fabrics from local sources is costly when emphasizing on sustainability. In this case, then, the price tags need to be looked at.
Style is of importance too
Before designing any outfit, it is prudent to first take into consideration the market trend. Know the taste of the buyers in terms of style then get down to work. This will ensure that the attires produced will not become obsolete shortly after being introduced to the market.
Quantity needs to be reflected on
To avoid dumping of clothes as waste due to lack of buyers, it is necessary to identify the market need first before producing the clothes. The information will help in estimating the right amount or number of the garments to manufacture, thus avoid overproduction and therefore, losses.
Customers should be considered
Different stylists have targets that differ, thus defining their customers. To ensure what is produced will be profitable, the owner needs to be aware of the kind of customers available. This will help in producing attires that will suit the taste of the targeted group, thus vital.
Availability of the materials is essential
Sustainability aims at reusing and recycling of products to reduce wastes. To do this, one has to produce a durable product, as said earlier. It is therefore wise to find out if the materials used to create lasting outfits are readily available to guide in decision making. This ensure that the products produced are of the best quality.
To sum up, Slow Sustainable Fashion may face a lot of challenges as compared to the fast one for many reasons. It stands out because it is unique due to the originality and durability it owns.