Some people buy dash cams to protect their vehicles from intruders. Specifically, the dashcam does not set off an alarm as face recognition has not yet entered this market, but a running camera captures evidence of snooping and property damage. An intruder might even spot the camera, however small, and decide against tackling the vehicle. A small camera might even be more frightening because it suggests a more professional rig.

Car cameras are so useful, that more people are having a second camera installed in the back of their cars. That way, both sides are protected in the evening and evidence is captured while driving. A good rig can be turned on and off with dedicated controls. It is much more convenient than converting a digital camera into a security device. Have a dual dash cam installed in your car to protect yourself from other people’s bad driving.

Some vehicles are more liable than others, although all vehicles are in the way of collisions sooner or later. It is less likely to happen while parked in a parking lot, although fender damage does happen, and it can be essential to get a closeup of the offending vehicle. Having a rolling camera can be major protection in the case of an accident caused by an aggressive driver. It can prove directly what happened instead of depending on forensic evidence.

Having front and back monitoring captures exactly what happens in an accident. This can work both for and against the driver, but it does protect against excessive claims in the event a victim tries to make accusations that are worse than reality. Having cameras rolling while driving is a net plus for a safe driver, and it makes the roads safer by capturing evidence as a third party.

A dual dash cam does not capture what does on inside the cabin of the vehicle unless directed to do so. These cameras do not capture sound unless an audio device is installed, so inside conversations are also private. The right setup will capture legitimate evidence while protecting passenger privacy.

The best news is that the security of cameras can be enjoyed without great expense. Modern electronics use very little electricity, and storage capacity is also very cheap. If power is tapped from the vehicle, this security system will often plug into a jack already built into the car. A professional installation will also cost labor, but the best can be had for a reasonable price.

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