In any retail business, alternative financing is important. Maybe you’ve no credit record at all or your history is not impressive and you want to add inventory or hire more staff, you may not get the money you need from the bank. You need an alternative financing option. The financing enables you to grow your retail business fast. With a faster turnaround than most banks, these retail finance options enable you to get the money that you need within a day. Wondering what we are talking about? Here are the four alternative financing approaches that you should consider:

1. Startup Finance

If you are planning to get into retouching studio Los Angeles business and you don’t have enough capital, you should consider this financing option. In most cases, the amount that you get depends on your business goal. You can use the finance to:

• Rent a premise for your studio

• Buy photography equipment

• Buy stock

• Market the business

If you are just starting, it is not advisable to ask for big enough loans which can give you a lot of troubles later on.

2. Commercial Mortgage

When you are planning to expand your retouching operations and can’t afford a bigger premise, this is the financing to consider. A commercial mortgage allows you to move to the premise that you desire and pay for it in a flexible way. You’ll need to consider two things:

• The deposit fee and monthly rates

• The renovation expenses

3. Online Lending

Online, there are several lenders who give you unsecured loans. If you don’t have collateral, this method is perfect. You can get up to $100,000 within a day and you can use the money to:

• Upgrade your photography equipment

• Add stock

• Pay the utility bills

• Promote digital advertising

• Pay your employees

The only concern is the high interests charged by a majority of the online lenders.

4. Invoice Financing

Sometimes, you may be having customers who you expect to pay you for the goods delivered. But before they do it, you need an alternative financing. In these retail finance options, the lender gives you the money that you need upfront on the invoices billed out. You then pay it back once the customers settle the balance. So if you want to be on top with your finances and maintain a steady cash flow balance, this is the best financing option to consider for your retouching studio Los Angeles.


The 4 alternative retail financing approaches are important if you want to take your retouching studio in Los Angeles to the next level. They are necessary for expansion purposes. You can compare their rates and determine the option that suits your retail business.

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