While digital marketing may be all the rage in the real estate direct mail marketing space today, direct mail is arguably still one of the most effective marketing tools in this space. Incorporating elements of digital marketing and direct mail, a typical direct mail postcard today consists of high-resolution images, as well as a well-written sales copy complete with a clear call-to-action. As a realtor, you should definitely use direct mail campaigns to target your prospects. Some of the main benefits of real estate direct mail include:

Easier to Understand

Compared to digital marketing, direct mail is generally easier to consume. In fact, a recent study found that you require about 20% less brainpower to process the contents of a direct mail. Because direct mail is easier to consume, direct mail campaigns are likely to resonate more with your target audience compared to digital campaigns. This is particularly important because, for a marketing campaign to be successful, the target audience must clearly understand the campaign’s message. In essence, if your target audience fails to understand your campaign’s message, then your marketing efforts will amount to nothing.

Higher Response Rate

Contrary to what most marketers believe, direct mail actually has a higher response compared to digital marketing strategies. For instance, on average, email and direct mail have response rates of 0.12% and 4.4%, respectively. Other digital platforms, such as blogs, fair much worse when compared to direct mail. At this point, it is worth noting that, despite growing up in the digital era, millennials tend to respond favorably to direct mail. In fact, a recent survey by Gallop found that more than 90% of individuals in the US aged between 18 and 29 years enjoy receive personal letters and postcards.

Stands Out (Unique)

As digital marketing becoming increasingly popular, it is becoming increasingly difficult to create unique digital content that will stick in the minds of your target audience. Thankfully, using direct mail, you can create unique content that is markedly different from anything on the digital space, allowing you to have an edge over your competitors.


While direct mail may seem dated, it is still one of the most marketing strategies in the housing market. This is because direct mail is easy to understand, receives a higher response rate compared to digital strategies, and offers something different and unique in a world dominated by digital content. Additionally, research has shown millennials respond favorable to direct mail.

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