Freak Brothers is an American comic book series created by Gilbert Shelton. The series follows the misadventures of three hippie freaks: Freako, Fat Freddy, and Phineas. The cast of Freak Brothers is a motley crew of characters that are sure to make you laugh. In this article, we will discuss the main characters in detail and provide some interesting facts about them!

The Freaks Come Out at Night: A Comprehensive Guide to the Freak Brothers Cast

Freako the Weirdo: The leader of Freak Brothers, Freako is a laidback stoner who tends to get lost in his own little world. He is known for getting high on anything and everything that he can find. While fun-loving and carefree, he has a tendency to get in trouble with the police.

Phineas Phreak: A self-proclaimed “psychedelic alchemist”, Phineas is Freako’s best friend and sidekick. He loves experimenting with drugs and spending time at the local bar. Although he is always getting into trouble and embroiled in bizarre situations, he is completely clueless as to how they happen.

Frankie Freak: The brains of the operation, Frankie is a computer hacker extraordinaire who can get into any system with ease. He uses his skills to defraud banks steal money for himself and his friends. When not frequently breaking into bank accounts, Frankie can be found at home eating cereal and watching hours of television.

The three friends have begun committing a series of bizarre crimes that are baffling the police. The authorities believe they must have a clever mastermind behind their schemes but no one could imagine just how incredibly clueless Phineas is about what his friends are doing. Phineas knows his friends are racking up quite a rap sheet and that he is going to have some explaining to do if this keeps up. But Phineas has bigger things on his mind than getting busted by the cops, like figuring out how to get the girl of his dreams.

Frankie is an accomplished computer hacker and uses her skills to help the boys with their schemes. She also has a crush on Phineas and does what she can to try and impress him. When Phineas starts showing an interest in her, Frankie is thrilled by his attention but not willing to let it get in the way of their friendship.

Baljeet is the brains of the group, and many of their schemes rely on his skill with computers. He looks up to Phineas and tries to emulate him as much as he can. After all, the boy who can invent a roller coaster that travels through space is an obvious role model.

For more information on the freak brothers cast, check online.

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