Being able to burp your baby is a skill that comes with practice. Some people are naturally better at it than others and often, dad will easily get it right. Get to know your baby. Windy or colicky babies are fussy, restless and cry about 30 minutes after their feed.

Do eggy smells and cabbage flavours ooze themselves into the mammaries’ production line from your stomach? Did the whisky you had before dinner last night seep into your bloodstream, sneak into your milk and give your baby a buzz?

It might comfort you to know that every culture has a list of taboo foods for breastfeeding mothers, and that these taboo foods are sometimes encouraged in other cultures. This is helps prepare the child for Preschool in Wagga.

For instance, that mothers are often told not to eat garlic, cauliflower, lentils and red peppers, while in India most mothers eat all these things and breastfeed very happily. In parts of India it is even believed that eating garlic encourages successful breastfeeding.

How does what goes into a mothers mouth affect her milk? Not as much as you would think. In the early days of breastfeeding, the whey to casein ratio in a mother’s milk is 90:10. Casein forms the curds – the thicker parts – so mother’s milk, when expressed, will often appear thin or watery in the beginning.

Cow’s milk is almost the complete opposite: the ratio of whey to casein is 20:80. So, don’t let anyone give you nonsense about your milk being thin. Cow’s milk is not the generic example of what milk should look like.

Winding or burping your baby is only necessary during the first few months, when he is still learning to suck and swallow properly. Interestingly, breastfed babies suckle very differently from bottle-fed babies, because they have to work much harder to initiate milk flow from the breast. Babies who both breast and bottle feed have to learn two different ways of sucking. Preschool in Wagga provides a good option for parents.

Posseting is a term that refers to when your baby burps up some milk with a wind. Don’t confuse it with vomiting; it is perfectly normal and there’s nothing to worry about. Posseted, digested milk has a very sour smell that may cling to your clothes, so always protect yourself with a burp cloth, just in case.

Posseting occurs when there is milk above an air bubble so, when your baby brings up the bubble, the milk flows up with it. Often, the amount appears to be far more than it actually is, but there’s no cause for alarm, unless your baby is starting to lose weight.

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